Editors - Black Gold

New Album

Release date:
Released by:
Play It Again Sam
Published by:
Strictly Confidential

Editors are finally submitting to a Best Of…. But true to form, they’d do it their way, by including three new songs.

"Black Gold" is a tight-but-expansive 16-track survey of Editors’ career. It includes the one-two opening punch of "Bullets" and "Munich", the thrilling blasts of contrarily gothic-pop, voiced by a nape-tingling baritone, that shot Editors out of the gates. It’s rounded off with those three new tracks recorded this year: "Frankenstein", the heavy funk throb of "Upside Down" and the nightmarish drama of the title track, "Black Gold". And, in between, the sound of a band who’ve made a festival-headlining, chart-topping career from confounding themselves, and confounding expectations.

"Black Gold" is a chance to reflect on the past 15 years, but it also offers a glimpse into a very exciting future for one of the UK’s most enduring and perhaps unexpected musical success stories of this century.

  • Black Gold
  • Frankenstein
  • Magazine