Dissidænce part. one

New Album

Release date:
Released by:
Clivage Records

Locked down and furloughed, Vitalic went back to his synths and beatboxes, resulting in his fifth album "Dissidænce" - the title of which is a whole story in itself - destined to be released in two volumes. He describes it as a return to the roots of his sonic identity, a kind of reinterpretation of the rock energy of his early albums. "More than anything, it was a question of timing. While composing I realised that eight tracks felt like too little for an album, and sixteen was really over the top, so I decided to cut the whole thing in half! The main reason though is that I felt I hadn't been able to express everything I wanted to on the first volume - like something had been left unfinished."

While Vitalic says the second volume of "Dissidænce" will be more hardcore, the first is a sort of concentrated resume of his strengths from the past twenty years, whether it's filthy, head-spinning tornado tracks or synth-laden love songs for a summer's day.

With "Dissidænce", whose powerful beats and galloping sequencers translate the social and political anger of the global pandemic, Vitalic looks into his past and channels his love for off-kilter synth sounds, skew-whiff pads, heady refrains, distorted vocals and heavy beats dripping with sex and sweat, but above all his obsessional passion for dance music. "Dissidænce" should be taken as a celebration of celebration, time-travel to an era that may not exist right now, but which will - and this album is the dazzling proof - be reborn from its ashes to burn bright once more, in all its raging glory.